
The library works as follows:

  • You define the messaging protocol as TypeScript interfaces
  • Run the CLI tool to generate code in your project
  • Use the code!

To get started, install the CLI tool with

cargo install --git

After installing, you can run workex --help to see the available options.

The basic usage is

workex INPUT [...INPUTS] --protocol PROTOCOL

PROTOCOL is an identifier for all the interfaces in the input files, for example, my-awesome-app. The protocol identifies which set of interfaces to use when a Worker is bound to multiple protocols.


As of version 0.0.5, the CLI tool no longer generates the runtime dependencies. This is to make it easier to share the dependency across multiple packages and to publish packages that depends on workex.

This also makes it less awkward that you don't need to run the CLI once to write the TS input files.

The generated code depends on the @pistonite/workex TypeScript SDK. You can install it with your favorite package manager. For example, for pnpm:

pnpm i @pistonite/workex

Note that the SDK is TypeScript-only, so a bundler is needed to consume it.

Next, we will take a deeper look into the input format.

TS Config

The generated code is in TypeScript, so your project need to use TypeScript. Additionally, make sure you have the following compiler options set in your tsconfig.json

    "compilerOptions": {
        /* ... your other options ... */

         * The generated code uses .ts in the imports,
         * This helps modern build tools like Vite to resolve
         * the import faster
        "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,

TS Interface Input

The CLI program takes in a number of TypeScript files that contain export interface declarations.

For example:

import type { WorkexPromise as Promise } from "@pistonite/workex";

/** Comments here are kept */
export interface Foo {
   * Comments here are also kept
  doStuff1(): Promise<void>;
  /// Rust styles will also be kept, if you like them
  doStuff2(arg1: string, arg2: string): Promise<string>;

Note that all other exports are ignored, including:

  • export type
  • declare


If you need to exclude some interfaces from export, put them in another file that's not part of the INPUTS.

All import statements will also be included in the output, no unused import analysis is done. Note that since output is one interface per file, it might contain TypeScript unused import errors. If that happens, you can:

  • Separate the interfaces into different files
  • Add // @ts-ignore to the input file (not recommended)

Some syntaxes are not supported, which will result in an error:

  • namespaces
  • imports in the middle of exports


Relative imports must start with ./ or ../ to be resolved correctly in the generated output. Other imports are assumed to be library imports or mapped with some other tool, so they are left untouched.

Additionally, all input files also must be in the same directory, which will also be the output directory

Interface Requirements

The input interfaces need to satisfy the following requirement:

  • All members need to be regular functions (not get or set)
  • Return type needs to be WorkexPromise, which is a Promise<WorkexResult<T>>
    • Typically, you can import { WorkexPromise as Promise } and use it as if it's a regular Promise
    • This type means you need to handle potential errors during the message exchange, before accessing T (which itself can be a Result)


The tool also looks for annotations in the comments for the interfaces. It supports the following annotations:

  • @workex:send SIDE - Marks SIDE as the sending side of the interface
  • @workex:recv SIDE - Marks SIDE as the receiving side of the interface

SIDE can be any string and is used to group outputs into re-exports. For example:

import type { WorkexPromise as Promise } from "@pistonite/workex";

 * @workex:send client
 * @workex:recv worker
export interface A {

 * @workex:send worker
 * @workex:recv client
export interface B {

With this setup, you can import everything the client side needs from one file client.ts, which re-exports the send implementation for A and the receive implementation for B.


The outputs are:

  • interfaces directory containing:
    • One Foo.send.ts and Foo.recv.ts for each export interface Foo
      • send is consumed by the side that calls the Foo interface, by using the FooClient class
      • recv is consumed by the side that implements the Foo interface, by calling bindFooHost function
  • sides directory containing one .ts file per side declared with @workex:send or @workex:recv annotations in the input. See TS Interface Input for more information. Each of these side files re-exports the interfaces needed on that side from the interfaces

An example directory tree might look like this after running workex:

input.ts (this is the input file)

  ... other files



By default, a .gitignore will also be generated in the output to ignore the output directories

Usage: Send-side

On the send (i.e. calling) side, use the FooClient class generated per Foo interface.

import { FooClient } from "my/out/dir/sides/client.ts";

// Anything that looks like `WorkerLike` is accepted
// for example, new Worker(url)
const worker = getMyWorker();
const foo: Foo = new FooClient({
  // if true, onmessage will be assigned instead of using addEventListener
  // false is the default
  assign: false,

// result will either be the return value, or a WorkexError,
// which could be an exception thrown on the other side, or an internal error
const result = await foo.doStuff1();

// When calling terminate, it will stop handling any return result and newer
// requests will return an error "Terminated"
// If `terminate` is a function on the worker (for Worker objects), it will also
// call that

See types.ts for more options available

Usage: Recv-side

On the recv side (i.e. host/implementer), use the bindFooHost function generated per Foo interface.

// note here we are importing Foo from the input file
import type { Foo } from "my/out/dir/inputs.ts";
import { bindFoo } from "my/out/dir/sides/worker.ts";

// Anything that looks like `WorkerLike` is accepted
// Inside a web worker, you can use `self` to send message
// to the main thread
const worker = getMyWorker();
// The object that will be receiving the calls from remote
const foo: Foo = createMyFoo();

bindFooHost(foo, { worker });

See types.ts for more options available


When binding the worker to a host, any implementation of the interface defined in the input (Foo) will work. However, if you recall, the functions in the interface are required to return WorkexPromise, which is a promise of a Result type. This is to ensure that any errors during the message exchange can be caught on the receiving side.

It could be tedious for the implementer to import the types and wrap everything in a result. To solve this, you can use a Delegate type and hostFromDelegate function to create a host implementation that wraps the return value with Result automatically. Of course, everything is still type-checked with TypeScript magic.

import { hostFromDelegate, type Delegate } from "my/out/dir/workex";
import type { Foo } from "my/out/dir/inputs.ts";
import { bindFoo } from "my/out/dir/sides/worker.ts";

const fooDelegate = {
    // note that this function returns a regular Promise, not WorkexPromise
    async doSomething(): Promise<void> {
} satisfies Delegate<Foo>;

bindFooHost(hostFromDelegate(fooDelegate), { worker });


The delegate must be a plain object and not instance of a class! This is because the class methods are defined on the prototype.

You might be wondering how exceptions are handled. The next chapter goes through error handling in detail.

Error Handling

During one message exchange, a lot of things can go wrong, including:

  • Some error happens before the message can be sent
    • For example, the other side is already closed
  • The receiving side throws an exception while processing the message
  • The receiving side doesn't respond

This is why the interface methods are required to return a WorkexPromise<T> type, which is a Promise<WorkexResult<T>>. The result type is powered by pure, which is a type-only implementation of Rust's Result type.

The send side can check the result like:

const client = ... // this is the client object

const result = await client.doSomething();
// result is WorkexResult<T>

if (result.err) {
    // handle error
    if (result.err.type === "Catch") {
        const message = result.err.message;
        // message can be a few things:
        // - "Terminated" if the worker is terminated
        // - "Timeout" if the worker doesn't respond, and timeout is set
        //   in the options
        // - Best-effort string representation of the error thrown on the other side
    if (result.err.type === "Internal") {
        // this is an internal error, which should not happen
        console.error("Internal error", result.err.message);

// result.val is inferred to be T

As you noticed, if the remote side throws an exception, it will be caught and converted to a string to send to the original side. This ensures maximum compatibility with the message transport method (Worker, WebSocket, network call...).

This means if you need to get structured error data from the other side, throwing exception is not the best option.

You can consider using the Result type from pure yourself:

// Void is the Result type where `void` is returned on success
import type { Void } from "@pistonite/pure/result";
import type { WorkexPromise } from "@pistonite/workex";

import type { MyError } from "somewhere/my_error";

export interface Foo {
    doSomethingCanFail(): WorkexPromise<Void<MyError>>;

Now you can chain the error handling like this:

const client = ... // this is the client object

const messageResult = await client.doSomething();
// result is WorkexResult<T>

if (messageResult.err) {
    // handle the error like above

const result = messageResult.val;

if (result.err) {
    // handle your error

// success...

Check out the documentation for pure on JSR for more into!

Full Example

There are 2 end-to-end examples in the repo

  • packages/example-standalone with a very simple client and worker implementation with TypeScript, and bun as the build tool
  • packages/example-vite with client and worker implementation bundled with Vite

Link to the packages directory on GitHub

Walkthrough: Standalone Example

See this example on GitHub, where you can find the instructions to run it yourself.


This example is a web application that talks to a web worker.

The web application:

  • Create and starts the worker
  • Makes sure the worker is ready before doing anything
    • Worker will send a message when ready
  • Calls a function on the worker to do some work

The web worker:

  • Does some initialization
  • Signals the web application that it's ready
  • Handles the function call from the web application

The example references the TS SDK in the PNPM workspace, which requires you to use pnpm as the package manager. Additionally, it uses bun as a bundler to build the TS files.


If you don't have pnpm, you can either install it, or replace the version of @pistonite/workex in package.json with the latest version published on, and then install the node modules with your favorite package manager

Run Workex

The interface can be defined as

// src/msg/proto.ts
import { WorkexPromise as Promise } from "@pistonite/workex";

// in this case, the app doesn't have an API the worker
// can call. So we only need one interface (one direction).

 * Functions the app can call on the worker
 * @workex:send app
 * @workex:recv worker
export interface MyAwesomeLib {
    /** Do some work and return the result as string */
    doWork(): Promise<string>;

Now run workex to generate the interfaces and workex library

workex --protocol app src/msg/proto.ts


Run inside the example (packages/example-standalone) directory. If you don't have workex installed yet, use cargo run -- instead.

The Worker Side

See the comments in the code that walks through the implementation

// src/worker.ts
// import utilities from workex
import { hostFromDelegate, type Delegate } from "@pistonite/workex";
// import generated types from `sides`
import { bindMyAwesomeLibHost } from "./msg/sides/worker.ts";
// import input types from the input file `proto.ts`
import type { MyAwesomeLib } from "./msg/proto.ts";

// helper function to help us distinguish between app and worker logs
function print(msg: any) {
    console.log("worker: " + msg);

// Do whatever initializations needed in the worker
// here we just log that the worker has started

// function to simulate some work that takes some time
// this is synchronous, so we can demonstrate workers are on separate threads
function someExpensiveWork(): string {
    // do some expensive work
    let now =;
    while ( - now < 2000) {
        // do nothing
    return "Hello from worker!";

// Create the handler to handle the messages sent by app
// Using the `Delegate` type, each function here returns a regular
// Promise instead of WorkexPromise. Then later we use `hostFromDelegate`
// to wrap the result of each function as WorkexPromise

// Note that making a class and `new`-ing it will not work
// because how hostFromDelegate is implemented
const handler = {
    async doWork(): Promise<string> {
        print("received doWork request from app");
        const result = someExpensiveWork();
        print("work done!");
        return result;
} satisfies Delegate<MyAwesomeLib>;

const options = { worker: self };

// Now we bind the handler to the worker
// at this point, messages from the app can be handled
const handshake = bindMyAwesomeLibHost(hostFromDelegate(handler), options);

// we use the returned handshake object to notify the other side
// that we are ready.

// initiate() returns a Promise that you can await on.
// If the calls can go both directions, you need to await for that
// before you can start calling the other side (which is what the app does
// in this example)

The Web App Side

See the comments in the code that walks through the implementation

// src/app.ts
// import utilities from workex
import type { WorkexResult } from "@pistonite/workex";
// import generated types from `sides`
import { MyAwesomeLibClient } from "./msg/sides/app.ts";

// helper function to help us distinguish between app and worker logs
function print(msg: any) {
    console.log("app: " + msg);

export async function createWorker(): Promise<MyAwesomeLibClient> {
    print("creating worker");
    // /dist/worker.js is where the build tool puts the worker file
    const worker = new Worker("/dist/worker.js");
    const options = { worker };
    const client = new MyAwesomeLibClient(options);
    // the worker will initiate the handshake, we need to wait for
    // it to be established
    print("waiting for handshake to be established");
    await client.handshake().established();
    print("worker ready");

    // at this point, we have completed the handshake, and both sides are ready
    // to communicate
    return client;

async function main() {
    const worker = await createWorker();

    setTimeout(() => {
        // to prove workers are on separate threads
        // log a message while the worker is synchronously
        // doing some work
            "if this message is before `work done!`, then worker is on a separate thread",
    }, 1000);

    // the type is inferred. Just putting it here to be clear for you
    const result: WorkexResult<string> = await worker.doWork();
    if (result.val) {
        print("worker returned:" + result.val);
    } else {

    // cleanup
    print("terminating worker");


Run the Example

First let's do a type check with tsc

bunx tsc

Then, build the project

mkdir -p dist
bun build src/app.ts --outfile dist/app.js --minify
bun build src/worker.ts --outfile dist/worker.js --minify

Finally, serve the project

bunx serve .

Open the served page in the browser and open the console. You should see the message exchange working as expected!

app: starting
app: creating worker
app: waiting for handshake to be established
worker: started
app: worker ready
worker: received doWork request from app
app: if this message is before `work done!`, then worker is on a separate thread
worker: work done!
app: worker returned:Hello from worker!
app: terminating worker

Walkthrough: Vite

See this example on GitHub, where you can find the instructions to run it yourself.


Check out the standalone example first to understand the basics, if you are not already familiar with Vite and React. Otherwise you might get lost pretty fast!


The standalone example shows a scenario where the app calls the worker through workex. In this example, let's go a step further. The app will call the worker, and the worker needs to call back to the app to get some data.


This pattern is very useful if there are some very large data that doesn't make sense to send to the worker. Instead, it is required that the worker should compute what it needs, then asks for it.

The example references the TS SDK in the PNPM workspace, which requires you to use pnpm as the package manager.


If you don't have pnpm, you can either install it, or replace the version of @pistonite/workex in package.json with the latest version published on, and then install the node modules with your favorite package manager

Workex Setup

Similar to the standalone example, let's define the messaging interfaces first

// src/msg/proto.ts
import { WorkexPromise as Promise } from "@pistonite/workex";

 * Functions the app can call on the worker
 * @workex:send app
 * @workex:recv worker
export interface GreetWorker {
    /** Ask the app for a name and greet the person! */
    greet(): Promise<string>;

 * Functions the worker can call back to the app to get something
 * @workex:send worker
 * @workex:recv app
export interface GreetApp {
    /** Get the name of the person to greet */
    getName(): Promise<string>;

Now run workex to generate the interfaces and workex library

workex --protocol greet src/msg/proto.ts


Run inside the example (packages/example-vite) directory. If you don't have workex installed yet, run pnpm run workex instead, which will compile and run workex from the repo

The Worker Side

See the comments in the code that walks through the implementation

// src/worker.ts
import { WorkexPromise } from "@pistonite/workex";
import { GreetAppClient, bindGreetWorkerHost } from "./msg/sides/worker.ts";
import type { GreetWorker } from "./msg/proto.ts";

const options = { worker: self };

// Create the client used to call back to the app
const client = new GreetAppClient(options);

// Create the handler to handle the messages sent by app
// Note that the standalone case we used Delegate,
// here we are showing how to implement the host directly
class Handler implements GreetWorker {
    async greet(): WorkexPromise<string> {
        // get the person's name from the app
        const name = await client.getName();
        // handle potential communication errors
        if (name.err) {
            return name;
        // greet the person
        const greeting = `Hello, ${name.val}!`;
        // return it back to the app
        return { val: greeting };

// similar to the standalone example, we will let the worker
// initiate the handshake
const handshake = bindGreetWorkerHost(new Handler(), options);

The App Side

In the React app, we will make a button that will call the worker when clicked.

// src/App.tsx
import { useState } from 'react'
import { hostFromDelegate, type Delegate } from '@pistonite/workex';
import './App.css'

// Use the vite ?worker syntax to import the module as a worker directly!
import GreetWorker from './worker.ts?worker'
import { GreetWorkerClient, bindGreetAppHost } from './msg/sides/app.ts'
import { GreetApp } from './msg/proto';

async function createWorker(): Promise<GreetWorkerClient> {
    // just some example data
    const names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve"];
    const randomName = () => names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)];

    // note this setup is very similar to what we are doing in the worker
    const worker = new GreetWorker();
    const client = new GreetWorkerClient({ worker });

    // here we use a delegate to bind the handler
    const handler = {
        async getName(): Promise<string> {
            return randomName();
    } satisfies Delegate<GreetApp>;
    const handshake = bindGreetAppHost(hostFromDelegate(handler), { worker });

    // note the worker side calls initiate() and the app side
    // calls established()
    await handshake.established();

    return client;

// make sure you are handling the worker lifecycle correctly
// so you don't have resource leaks, especially if you need 
// to terminate() the worker
// here we are just using a simple global variable
const greetClient = createWorker();

function App() {
    const [message, setMessage] = useState("Press the button to greet someone!");

    return (
            <h1>Workex Example with Vite</h1>
            <div className="card">
                <button onClick={async () => {
                    const client = await greetClient;
                    const message = await client.greet();
                    if (message.val) {

export default App

Run the Example

pnpm run dev

Ignore Linter

If your linters (i.e. ESLint or Prettier) are complaining about the generated code, you should add them to the disabled list:


See ESLint Documentation


Using .prettierignore file:

# workex

See more: Prettier Documentation